Get These Toxins Out of Your House

“Dr. Hyman, I recently read how endocrine disruptors like environmental toxins can interfere with your hormones,” writes this week’s house call. “I’m really freaked out. I feel like my house is full of toxins. How can I minimize their impact?” Unfortunately, today...

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the number one cause of legal blindness in people 55 and older. The risk of Macular Degeneration significantly increases with age. In fact, people between the ages of 64 to 74 have a one–in-four chance of developing the disease.Macular...

Caregivers Say: Pay Attention to Us

To understand the caregiving crisis in this country, consider the seaside town of Boothbay Harbor, Maine. There, the average age is 53, giving it a demographic distinction: it’s one of the oldest towns in the oldest county (Lincoln) in the oldest state (Maine)...

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