by Vital Living | Treatments - Alternative & Mainstream
If you have a vision problem you have probably heard of Lasik eye surgery. What is it? Apart from prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, Innovative Eyecare also offers LASIK co-management as part of our vision correction options. It’s a safe, effective and...
by Vital Living | Treatments - Alternative & Mainstream
Your Eye Doctor Chris D. Teichmiller of Innovative Eyecare located in “Beautiful Decatur Alabama” shares a brief description about the debilitating disease dry eye and the revolutionary treatment “Lipiflow”. Imagine having to use eye drops...
by Vital Living | Treatments - Alternative & Mainstream
If you have a vision problem you have probably heard of Lasik eye surgery. What is it? Apart from prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, Innovative Eyecare also offers LASIK co-management as part of our vision correction options. It’s a safe, effective and...
by admin | Treatments - Alternative & Mainstream
Work from Home and Flexible Schedule Opportunities
by admin | Treatments - Alternative & Mainstream
Our bodies eliminate toxins through four major organs: the colon (assisted by the liver), kidneys, lungs, and skin. Hydrogen peroxide baths help to cleanse and purify our skin. Hydrogen peroxide destroys toxins, organisms, and even pulls out the residues left by soap....