Mom Said Eat Your Veggies

Taft, TN 38488, United States
1377 Ardmore Highway Taft Tennessee 38488 US

I have taught several nutrition classes at the Lincoln Co. Adult Education office.

In 2006 I learned of the need for Spanish books at Morning Glory Christian School in San Raymundo, Guatemala. I was able to help secure a nice assortment of books to aid the teachers of the schools Currently the library is housed in a small room at the school. I was able to visit the school on a mission trip in 2008, along with my sons, who’ve been involved in medical missions there since 2003.

Currently I teach Culinary Arts and Botany one day a week at The Ellis Academy, a girls education center in Toney, AL. It has been delightful to see girls aged 7 & up learn to cook real food, from basic ingredients, sit at a nicely set table and enjoy both the food and conversation as they eat! This semester I will have younger girls aged 4-8 in the kitchen for 8 weeks, making easy & nutritious lunches.

I have a strong desire to meet families where they are at and educate them on simple, effective ways they can live healthier, happier lives. I became interested in health and nutrition when I was pregnant with my oldest child, 20 years ago. My degree in Biology really helped me to understand how much what we eat affects our bodies, our emotions and our immunity. As I had more children, I realized how important my Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition choices were, both for my born and unborn children. As a busy wife and mother of 6, simplicity became a necessity for surviving. Knowing what to do was great in my head, but I really love the way the Dr. Sears’ L.E.A.N. Program makes it really simple and something that anyone can do at any phase in their life. I love that the changes are ones that are encouraging, practical and will help me further develop a sustainable healthy lifestyle for my family. My mom said eat your veggies and now there is a simple way to get our families eating theirs!

Going LEAN was an easy transition for my family. My younger children know all about traffic light eating, and my older children quickly comment on how they feel when they’ve made too many red light choices. I am passionate about sharing these life-changing tools and information with you and your family. If you would like to have Happy Healthy Children, get in touch with me NOW! 

health.jpg 8 years ago
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