Health Care Needs Don’t Stop  

Your health care needs don’t stop just because you’re on Coronavirus quarantine.  

You still need physical therapy for your knee. You’re anxious and could really use a visit with your counselor. Your husband still needs to talk to his doctor about his blood pressure. 

AND more than ever, you wish you would have met with that dietitian your doctor suggested.  

But, your life as you know it has been put on hold for the foreseeable future.  It’s life-Interrupted.


You Need to Stay Healthy and Safe

Health experts all agree that taking care of your health can absolutely increase your immunity and mood.  So, it’s a cruel twist of fate that you can’t take care of your health at a time like this. 

There’s nothing you can do about it, right?  

You know you’re putting your life and your loved ones on the line by venturing into a medical office right now.  


You CAN Still Get Great Health Care

But, there is a way to get great health care and stay safe at the same time.  

Just like businesses everywhere are realizing that much of their face-to-face meetings can be done online with tools like Zoom, health care patients and providers are realizing the same thing.  


Meet with All Your Regular Providers with Telehealthcare

You can get great quality, health care with all your favorite providers that you know and trust online.  Using technology you already have (like your cell phone a tablet, or a laptop) you can meet with your doctor, therapist (speech, physical, and occupational), counselor, or dietitian from the comfort of your couch.   

AND, best of all your health insurance will NOW pay for it.  During the Coronavirus pandemic, Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurers everywhere are now covering a HUGE list of health care services delivered virtually from all your regular health care providers.  


Telehealth Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

People in the health care industry call this remote or virtual health care “Telehealth.” This term can be confusing.  Just know that it means getting health care through some kind of technology (home phone, cell phone, tablet, or computer). Now your trusted health care partners are offering it.

Most of the time telehealth must be done through special video-conferencing software, but right now rules are being relaxed to make sure you’re comfortable getting the care you need. 

You may be able to use family favorite apps like Apple FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, or Facebook Messenger. And if that doesn’t work for you, they’re even allowing good, old-regular phone calls in lieu of office visits. 


Many People Prefer Telehealth

We’re all being asked to venture out of our technology comfort zones right now. 

I got an email from Auburn University that said all university classes were currently being offered through video conferencing right now.  A whopping 70% of the professors had never tried it before last week.

It may seem confusing before you try it.  But your healthcare provider will talk you through it. And, you may love it. 

Many people find they actually prefer the convenience and quality of telehealthcare. Telehealth is here to stay. 


So Much to Love About Telehealthcare

Think of it–No more waiting for hours surrounded by coughing strangers in the germy waiting room.  No more circling busy parking lots looking for an open space. No more long commutes just for a lab review or a medication refill. 


How to Get Started with Telehealthcare

If you want to give telehealth a try, call your doctor or another provider to see if they offer it and how to get connected. 

Then, check your health insurance website to see if they cover it. If they don’t cover it today, check back tomorrow because telehealthcare coverage is truly expanding every day. 

Treva Garcia is a dietitian that helps her clients make health and weight loss habits that run on Autopilot.  She’s been offering telehealth for five years and finds that her once her clients try it, they’re hooked. Click here if you’d like to get started reclaiming your health and energy…
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