Telehealth Keeps You Healthy And Safe

Health Care Needs Don’t Stop  Your health care needs don’t stop just because you’re on Coronavirus quarantine.  You still need physical therapy for your knee. You’re anxious and could really use a visit with your counselor. Your husband still needs to talk to his...

What to expect in a bone density test

If you’ve been asked to have a bone density test, here’s everything you need to know. Bone density tests are commonly used to determine if someone has osteoporosis – a disease that weakens bones, causing them to become thinner and more brittle. This means they’re more...

Shepherd’s Pie

This week we are featuring a very special and seriously delicious recipe from one of my favorite restaurants, Mission Heirloom in Berkeley, California. They are a new kind of health food shop and cafe dedicated to the simplest of things — a deliciously satisfying,...

Get These Toxins Out of Your House

“Dr. Hyman, I recently read how endocrine disruptors like environmental toxins can interfere with your hormones,” writes this week’s house call. “I’m really freaked out. I feel like my house is full of toxins. How can I minimize their impact?” Unfortunately, today...

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